Selected Publications
Materializing the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
Instruments and the First Bell Tests
Integrates developments in the Soviet Union using primary and secondary sources in Russian
The first book to cover the development of the instrumentation that allowed to perform the first Bell tests
Offers a history of the instrumentation used to materialize early thought experiments
Part of the book series: SpringerBriefs in History of Science and Technology (BRIEFSHIST)
Articles and book chapters
Working in progress
Chapter: “The Invention of Solid-State and Semiconductor Lasers in the Soviet Union,” for the book on multiple inventions organized by Johannes Hagmann and Shaul Katzir. Submission deadline: first half of 2026.
Chapter: “SPDC and Non-linear Optics in the Soviet Union,” for a book on the history of quantum optics organized by Gautier Depambour, Olival Freire Júnior, David Kaiser, Olivier Darrigol, Sara Ducci, and Florent Baboux. Submission deadline: first half of 2026.
Article on the relationship between soy, whiteness, and fascism in Brazil and the United States for the journal *Isis*, in collaboration with Tiago Saraiva (Drexel University, USA) and Fernanda Simões Braga Araújo (PhD student at PPGEFHC UFBA-UEFS).
Literature review on diversity in science, comparing studies in the history and philosophy of science with those in science education. In collaboration with Cristiano Moura (Simon Fraser University) and Alexandre Bagdonas (UFLA).
Hof, Barbara, Grigoris Panoutsopoulos, and Climério Paulo Silva Neto. “Competing for Collaboration on Particle Accelerators in the Multipolar Cold War World: CERN, JINR, IHEP, NAL, 1950s to 1970s”, [Physics in Perspective].
Accepted for Publication
Climério Silva Neto and Barbara Hof, "Redrawing the Boundaries of Secrecy: The Anglo-Soviet Exchange in Fusion Science." Book chapter.
Bagdonas, Alexandre, e Climério Paulo Silva Neto. “A Diversidade na Ciência como Componente Essencial do Ensino de Natureza da Ciência”. Em História Cultural das Ciências e Ensino: Discutindo Fronteiras, organizado por Andreia Guerra e Ivã Gurgel. São Paulo: Livraria da Física, 2025.
Climério Silva Neto, Tiago Saraiva, and Fernanda Simões Braga. “Hybridizing Wheat, Soybeans, and Whiteness: Transatlantic Fascisms and the History of Brazilian Developmentalism.” In Science, Development, and Democracy: Historical Studies on the Brazilian Case 1945-2000, edited by Olival Freire Jr., Silvia Fernanda De M. Figueirôa, Antonio A. P. Videira, and Maria Margaret Lopes. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Fiocruz, (in press, in Portuguese).
Faustino, Thiago, Letícia Dos Santos Pereira, e Climério Paulo Silva Neto. “Circulação de Saberes Tradicionais Sobre a Borracha no Século XVIII: Reflexões Históricas e Implicações Para o Ensino de Ciências”. Em História Cultural das Ciências e Ensino: Discutindo Fronteiras, organizado por Andreia Guerra e Ivã Gurgel. São Paulo: Livraria da Física, 2025.
Silva Neto, Climério Paulo Da, e Heráclio Tavares. “Cesar Lattes e o Prêmio Nobel: a Lógica do Prestígio Científico no Século XX”. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 46 (2024): e20240188.
Climério Paulo Silva Neto and Alexei Kojevnikov. "Socialist Internationalism and Science Diplomacy Across the Iron Curtain: Dubna, Geneva, IUPAP" In One Hundred Years of the IUPAP, ed. Jaume Navarro and Roberto Lalli, Oxford University Press, 2024.
Climério Paulo Silva Neto e Alexandre Bagdonas. Elétrons livres e coletivismo: sobre o papel epistêmico da diversidade na história da física da matéria condensada. Submitted to Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, 2024.
Climério Paulo da Silva Neto, “Red Descendants of Apollo: The Making of Soviet Laser Physics.” Tese de doutorado. Universidade Federal da Bahia/Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, 2015. Tese ganhadora do Prêmio SBHC 2016 de melhor Tese. Clique para ver o Resumo/Abstract